Rozen Rot Commissions

Current Status: Open
Available Slots: 13/15
Current Sales: PWYW Cel Shade Commission

• All Prices are in USD and are subject to change/negotiation depending on the complexity of the commissioner's requests.
• All Prices For Single Character (unless otherwise stated).
• Additional Characters + half comm price per character (up to 3 characters)

Pricing and Options

Head Shot:
Monochrome Sketch:
Flat Color Sketch:
Shaded Color Sketch:
Line Art:
Line Art + Flat Colors:

Bust (Waist Up)
Monochrome Sketch: 15$
Flat Color Sketch: 20$
Shaded Color Sketch: 30$
Line Art: 20$
Line Art + Flat Colors: 30$
Cel-Shaded: 45$
Fully-Rendered: 55$
+ BG: Price Subject to Complexity

Mid-Shot (Thighs Up)
Monochrome Sketch: 25$
Flat Color Sketch: 30$
Shaded Color Sketch: 40$
Line Art: 30$
Line Art + Flat Colors: 40$
Cel-Shaded: 55$
Fully-Rendered: 65$
+ BG: Price Subject to Complexity

Full Body
Monochrome Sketch: 35$
Flat Color Sketch: 40$
Shaded Color Sketch: 50$
Line Art: 40$
Line Art + Flat Colors: 50$
Cel-Shaded: 65$
Fully-Rendered: 80$

Full Body + BG
Monochrome Sketch: 45$
Flat Color Sketch: 50$
Shaded Color Sketch: 65$
Line Art: 50$
Line Art + Flat Colors: 65$
Cel-Shaded: 95$
Fully-Rendered: 110$+

Character Sheet A
Shaded Color Sketch: 90$+
Flat Colored: 100$+
Cel Shaded: 125$+
Fully Rendered: 150$+

Character Sheet B
Shaded Color Sketch: 100$
Flat Colored: 125$
Cel Shaded: 140$
Fully Rendered: 180$

Monochrome Sketch: 15$
Flat Color Sketch: 20$
Shaded Color Sketch: 25$
Line Art: 20$
Line Art + Flat Colors: 25$
Cel-Shaded: 35$
Fully-Rendered: 55$
Fully Rendered + BG: 75$+

Sketch Sheet
contains one mid-shot/full body sketch + 4 smaller sketches.
monochrome sketch: 55$
sketch + flat color: 75$
shaded sketch: 90$+

Icon Pack
4 headshots in various expressions, smaller resolution hence cheaper price..
monochrome sketch: 20$
sketch + flat color: 30$
shaded full color sketch: 36$
line art: 30$
line art + flat color: 36$
cel-shaded: 40$
full-render: 50$

A very simple animation -- blinking, smoke curling, a smile etc., price is highly variable depending on the completion of the image, the complexity of the animatic and the size of the image.

Mostly, this is something you can add onto something. Price starts at a minimum of an additional 10$ for monochrome sketch.

Example Art

Terms & Conditions

I retain all rights to the finished piece, including the right to use the piece in future advertisements (unless otherwise requested*)

Finished commissions may be posted to my social media pages and website (unless otherwise requested)

You have the right to edit your commission for use as an icon, in a tumblr/website layout and etc., as well as the right to post it wherever you want, as long as you do not claim ownership (proper credit is preferred)

I take payment in full and up front. If payment cannot be provided in full and the commission is more than 50$, I am willing to split payment as long as at least half is given up-front.

A full refund will only be provided if requested before I have moved past the sketch stage. At any time after, only a partial refund can be given. No refunds given on completed commissions. Sketch commissions are non-refundable.

My art may not be used for NFT, block-chain or "AI" learning projects. Doing so will result in being blacklisted. You also may not use my art to create a picrew or similar "dollmaker" type image generator.

I reserve the right to reject your commission for any reason.

Things I Will Draw
artistic nudity, sexual nudity, implied & graphic sexual content, gore & body horror, simple robot/mecha designs, furry/anthro art, portraits of IRL people, monsters (humanoid & non-humanoid alike), ship art, fan-art

Things I Will Not Draw
any sexual content/nudity involing prepubescent children, ship art involving an adult/child relationship, bigotry and hate symbols in any way that might be seen as endorsement, ship art of real people**, complicated mechanical designs/robots, "feral" art

Subject to Conditions:
graphic sexual content & kink content is subject to certain conditions -- a full list of kinks/themes will be available in the future.

* for exclusive reproduction rights/sale rights, I may charge an additional fee. There will be no fee involved for requesting not to include your commission in future adverts.

** while I'll 100% draw cutesy ship art of you and your partner, I'm not comfortable drawing sexually themed art of real people. I also will not draw ship art of celebrities/youtubers just because I'm personally uncomfortable with that.

Order Form & Process

If at all possible, please fill out the order form below and send it to me at or if you just have questions, feel free to shoot them to either of those email addresses and I'll get back ASAP so we can discuss things!

Once things have been hammered out, I'll get your payment (for SFW, I prefer to do paypal invoices, for NSFW I'll send you a link to my BuyMeACoffee).. After that, I'll start work on a rough concept sketch which will be sent to you for approval + any changes you need made.

After the rough concept sketch has been approved, I'll do my best to send you periodic updates on the progress of the work. Sometimes, I just knock a whole piece out in a single sitting and if that happens, you may not get periodic updates, especially if your commission was a monochrome sketch, flat colored sketch, shaded sketch or lineart. Generally speaking, though, I'll try to update with each stage of sketching (base, second pass, final sketch + color roughs), lineart, flat colors, shading and final effects.

Once the piece has been completed, I will send you the full-resolution, watermark-free version of the art.

Order Form:
Commission Type: (head-shot, bust, mid-shot, full body, chibi, etc.,)
Completion Level: (monochrome sketch, sketch + flats, shaded sketch, etc.,)
Description of Commission: (you can send me like a stick figure sketch or write out what you want)
Reference Materials: (if its an OC you can send me like a character sheet or a link or something like that)
PayPal Email: (this is only if we're doing an SFW commission and you have a paypal. If not, we will work something out!)


I am physically disabled, dealing with chronic pain + fatigue and several mental illnesses (as well as ADHD) so it may take me awhile to get your commissiondone, even if it's at the top of the queue. If it's been over a month, please feel free to send me a reminder/ask me about progress. I cannot guarantee a piece will be done within a certain amount of time, but I can do my best to get you a rush job, if you ask for one but it may incur an extra fee. Thank you!

by commissioning me, you have consented to agree to all terms listed in the "terms and conditions" above.
